Precision Health Challenge 2021-22

1112 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4
1112 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 4

This campaign is over.

Ideation Phase
starts on:
Nov 19, 2021, 06:30 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Jan 11, 2022, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)
Prototype Phase
starts on:
Jan 19, 2022, 06:30 AM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Feb 03, 2022, 06:29 PM UTC (UTC)


  • This is a team participation hackathon. You can have at most 4 members in your team.

  • You can either invite your friends to form a team or participate as individual.

  • The submission file should be made in the following format: TeamName_CollegeName.pptx. Any other naming convention will be disqualified from the competition.

  • The first phase of hackathon or the ideation phase will start at Nov 20, 2021 12:00 AM IST and end at Jan 11, 2022 11:59 PM IST, you work on your hack during the allotted time only.

  • The second phase of hackathon or the prototype phase will start Jan19, 2021 12:00 PM IST and end at Feb 03, 2022 11:59 PM IST where the shortlisted candidates will work on a prototype and share a demo of same for review

  • The final phase will be held on Feb 14, 2022 where the final 5 contestants will be given a live platform to showcase their final demo of a working prototype.

  • It's an online hackathon, you can participate from anywhere.

  • There are 5 themes of the hackathon, you must submit a hack that is in one of these themes.

  • Once the hackathon starts, you will get an option to submit your hack, you can submit as many times as you want, the last hack will be considered as the final submission.

  • You are expected to come up with new and innovative ideas, any idea that has been copied from somewhere will be disqualified.

  • Your hack must be developed entirely during the Hackathon duration. You may use open source libraries and other freely available systems / services such as Google Maps, Facebook Connect, Twitter feeds etc.

  • The intellectual property of your code belongs only to your team.

  • By participating in the hackathon, you agree to the terms and conditions of HackerEarth.

Terms and Conditions

GE Healthcare is collectively referred to as “Sponsor”, “we” or “us”.


GE Healthcare, is launching the third edition of Precision Health Challenge, an online event to be held from . At this event, 2nd, 3rd & final year Bachelors’ students and Masters’ students across select colleges will be asked to provide digital solutions to problems faced in the healthcare industry.

Participation in the event is free of charge.


  • If you are currently pursuing your Graduation (2nd, 3rd and 4th Year) or Post Graduation in Engineering from any stream and that can be achievable within the given time frame then you are welcome to apply for this challenge.

  • You need to be a full-time student studying in India

  • Registrations are welcome for ideas/problem statements from any college even outside the select institutes, however it is left to the discretion of the sponsors whether or not to shortlist a given problem statement and the sponsors are not liable for any provide any explanation for the grounds of acceptance or rejection there by.


The event is to be held from , online. GE Healthcare reserves the right to change the days, time and location of the event due to technical or organizational needs by announcing such changes on the event's official web site, which


• Registration for the event is free of charge and is open to teams of 1 to 4 individuals. Teams can have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 4 individuals. • Teams wishing to sign up for the event must complete the online registration form at with personal details of each team member. Each participant must accept the event regulations and grant consent for the handling of their personal information for the use by GE Healthcare.

• The members of each team are to ensure that the personal information provided upon registration online is true and accurate and must unconditionally accept any and all decisions made by event organizers with regards to the event.

• Each team must be given a name as chosen by its members. Team names must not be connected in any way with the names of companies or registered trademarks or use expressions that incite violence or are discriminatory, obscene, or represent any form of defamation. Failure to comply will result in disqualification.

• The members of each team undertake to present original content and not to include presentations or projects that have previously been submitted to other initiatives / events.

• By accepting these regulations and participating in the event, each participant undertakes, for the entire duration of the competition, to make use of the facilities in which the competition is to be held and any materials and equipment provided by GE Healthcare with the utmost care and diligence and to comply fully with the rules of conduct and safety established by GE Healthcare. Event participants will be held liable for any damage caused to people or property.


Winning teams will be awarded to following prizes by the panel of judges:

• 1st prize team: INR 1,50,000

• 2nd prize team: INR 1,00,000

• 3rd prize team: INR 75,000

• Special Award: INR 50,000


Participation in the event is subject to all national, state and local laws and regulations. Void where prohibited or restricted by law. You are responsible for checking applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction before participating in the event to make sure that your participation is legal. You are responsible for abiding by your institution's policies regarding participation in the event and ensuring that your submission does not violate any policies set by your institution. You are further responsible for ensuring that your participation in the event and your submission does not violate any contractual obligations or other legal obligation you may have regarding confidentiality or intellectual property ownership to your institution. Sponsors disclaim any and all liability or responsibility for disputes arising between you and your institution related to this event.

By making a submission, you agree that (a) your Accounts are complete, correct and accurate and (b) your registration may be rejected or terminated, and any submission submitted by you may be disqualified if any of the information in your Accounts are (or Sponsors have reasonable grounds to believe it is) incomplete, incorrect or inaccurate. You are solely responsible for your Accounts. Registration information is collected and may be transferred elsewhere globally as needed for the purposes of the event and the sponsors’ business purposes.

Sponsor is not responsible for (a) late, lost, stolen, damaged, garbled, incomplete, incorrect or misdirected Entries or other communications, (b) errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects, or delays in operations or transmission of information, in each case whether arising by way of technical or other failures or malfunctions of computer hardware, software, communications devices, or transmission lines, or (c) data corruption, theft, destruction, unauthorized access to or alteration of Entry materials, loss or other issues related to data such as quality, access or security. Sponsors are not responsible for electronic communications or emails which are undeliverable as a result of any form of active or passive filtering of any kind, or

insufficient space in any email account to receive email messages. Sponsors disclaim any liability for damage to any computer system resulting from participation in, or accessing or downloading of information in connection with, the event.

Sponsors shall have the right to remove any blog comment or posting related to the event from the event website in their sole discretion at any time and for any reason.



o Quality of the Submission Idea and Solution

§ Includes creativity and originality of the application idea, usability, design, and intuitiveness.

o Potential Value or Benefits

§ Includes the degree to which the submission solution provides value and is globally scalable.

o Ease of implementation

§ Includes the extent to which the value provided to the end user is realistically achievable with existing technologies within the near term; not vague or overly complex to user, or reliant on a technology that is not yet on the market.

o Pitch of the solution

§ Includes the clarity and description of the problem addressed, how the solution solves the problem, what technology is used, what services are leveraged, what sensor and other data is used, and the connection the solution makes to real-world healthcare problems.


Sponsor Use of Your Submission

a. Your Submission must: (a) be Your (or your Team’s) original work product; (b) be solely owned by You or Your Team with no other person or entity having any right or interest in it; and (c) not violate the intellectual property rights or other rights including but not limited to copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrecy, contract, and/or privacy rights, of any other person or entity. You may submit a Submission that includes the use of Open Source Software or hardware as defined below, provided You comply with the requirements of this section. Subject to applicable law, any invention assignment agreements that You may have with your institution, and the licenses described below, any applicable intellectual property rights to a Submission will remain with You.

b. Sponsor Rights: Sponsor doesn’t hold any commercial interests in the submission made by you. The idea, implementation, IP rights and any other rights/claims related to the presented idea/solution will not be owned/shared by GE Healthcare or any individuals on behalf of the organization.

c. Submission Display: The following Submission components may be displayed to the public: name, description, images, video URL, website, URL, team members, the Submission category and platform, and submitter type. Other Submission materials may be viewed by the Sponsor, Administrator, and Judges for screening and evaluation.

d. You agree that nothing in the Official Rules grants You a right or license to use any Sponsor or Administrator name, trademark or service mark.

e. You acknowledge that we, other entrants or others may have developed or commissioned materials similar or identical to your Submission, or may develop something similar in the future, and You waive any claims you may have resulting from any similarities to your Submission.

g. You understand that Sponsors cannot control the information you disclose to us or our representatives in the course of participating in the event, or what we or our representatives will remember about your entry. You also understand that we will not restrict work assignments of representatives who have had access to your Submission. You understand that you will not receive any compensation or credit from us for use of your submission in connection with this event. This provision does not limit any compensation you may receive through us or third parties as a result of Your use or marketing or profiting from the application beyond this event or as provided in these official rules. We are not responsible for any unauthorized use of your entry by those.


For any final Submission to be eligible to win prizes in the event, all Submissions of Open Source Software must be in material compliance with all terms and conditions of the applicable licenses governing its use (e.g. providing downstream recipients with required copyright attribution, copies of Open Source Licenses, etc.).


We will not be providing you any computer software, documentation, technical assistance, testing feedback, training materials, sample code, APIs, software development kits, and other materials, information, software, hardware or services (collectively, “Sponsor Materials”) as part of the event.


The intent of the event is to encourage people to suggest their ideas and innovations to Sponsors. Mere participation in this event does not create an obligation on either your part or Sponsors’ part to negotiate or enter into any business relationship or to sign any commercial agreement.


By making a Submission, you represent and warrant that all information in your Submission and all information that you submit via the event Website is true and complete to the best of your knowledge, that you have the right and authority to submit the Submission and disclose the information therein on your own behalf or on behalf of the persons and entities that you specify within the Submission, and that your Submission (both the information and materials submitted in the Submission and the underlying technology/method/idea described in the Submission):

(a) is your own original work and representative of your capability, or is submitted by permission with full and proper credit given within your Submission;

(b) does not contain confidential information or trade secrets (yours or anyone else’s);

(c) does not, to the best of your knowledge, violate or infringe upon the patent rights, industrial design rights, copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity;

(d) does not contain malicious code, such as viruses, malware, timebombs, cancelbots, worms, Trojan horses or other potentially harmful programs or other material or information;

(e) does not and will not violate any applicable law, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, confidentiality agreement or other agreement; and

(f) does not trigger any reporting or royalty or other obligation to any third party. A breach of any warranty set out in this provision of the Official Rules will result in the corresponding Submission being invalid. In addition, you agree to indemnify Sponsors against all loss, damages and costs, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by the Sponsors arising from your breach of the warranty and to fully cooperate with Sponsors in resolving any allegation, including any legal proceeding, arising from any breach of this warranty.


A. Judges: Eligible Submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges selected by the Sponsor (the “Judges”). Judges may be employees of the Sponsor or they may be external; they may or may

not be listed individually on the event Website, and may change before or during the event. Judging may take place in one or more rounds with one or more panels of Judges, at the discretion of the Sponsor. Judges will choose teams eligible for each Prize Track to present their Application on stage at the event.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to be eligible for a Prize, your Team must be present on the final day of event to the Judges and present your Submission.

B. Criteria: The Judges will score eligible Submissions using the following equally weighted criteria (the “Judging Criteria”):

(i) Quality of the Idea and solution: Includes creativity and originality of the Application idea, usability, design, and intuitiveness.

(ii) Potential Value or Benefits: Includes the degree to which the Application provides scale and value.

(iii) Ease of implementation: Includes the extent to which the value provided to the end user is realistically achievable with existing technologies within the near term; not vague or overly complex to user, or reliant on a technology that is not yet on the market.

(iv) Pitch of solution: Includes the clarity and description of the problem addressed, how the Application solves the problem, what technology is used, what sensor and other data is used, and the connection the Application makes to real-world industrial problems.

The You(s) that are eligible for a prize, and whose Submissions earn the highest overall scores based on the applicable Judging Criteria, will become potential winners of that prize.

C. Submission Review: Judges are not required to test the Application and may choose to judge based solely on the text description and IMAGES provided in the Submission, and demonstration(s) of the Application by Your Team.

D. Tie Breaker: For each prize listed, if two or more Submissions are tied, the tied Submission with the highest score in the first applicable criterion listed above will be considered the higher scoring Submission. In the event any ties remain, this process will be repeated, as needed, by comparing the tied Submissions’ scores on the next applicable criterion. If two or more Submissions are tied on all applicable criteria, the panel of Judges will vote on the tied Submissions.


The Administrator collects personal information from you when you enter the event. Personal data you provide in your Entry in connection with your Entry will be used for purposes described

in the Official Rules and used and protected as governed by the Privacy Policy posted on the GE Website at participating in the event you consent to the use of personal information about you. If you are a winner, you consent to the use of your personal information by the Sponsor, Sponsor’s Partners, Administrator, and third parties acting on their behalf. Such personal information includes, but is not limited to, your name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions, comments and hometown and country of residence. It may be used in any existing or newly created media, worldwide without further payment or consideration or right of review, unless prohibited by law. Authorized use includes advertising and promotional purposes. The duration of your consent is for a period of three years following the conclusion of the event. This consent applies, as applicable, to all members of a Your Team or Organization that participated in the winning submission.


Sponsors do not wish to receive any confidential information and also hereby state that with respect to your Submissions, no confidential relationship is established between Sponsors and you, the Organization you represented when submitting a Submission, or the owner of any part of your Submission. Sponsors will be under no obligation to supply any confidential information, including without limitation, customer information or data, as part of the event.


By entering, You (including, in the case of a Team or Organization, all participating members) agree to be bound by the Official Rules and hereby release the Sponsor, Sponsor’s Partners, Administrator, other event sponsors, and their respective parent, subsidiary, and affiliated companies, the prize suppliers and any other organizations responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the event, and all of their respective past and present officers, directors, employees, agents and representatives (hereafter the “Released Parties”) Released Parties from and against any and all liability in connection with the prizes or Your participation in the Event, including any injuries, losses, damages, claims, actions and any liability of any kind (including attorneys’ fees) resulting from or arising out of your participation in, association with or submission to the event (including any claims alleging that your Submission infringes, misappropriates or violates any third party’s intellectual property rights). The Released Parties are not responsible for any miscommunications such as technical failures related to computer, telephone, cable, and unavailable network or server connections, related to technical failures, or other failures related to hardware, software or virus, or incomplete, late or misdirected submissions. Provided, however, that any liability limitation regarding gross negligence or intentional acts, or events of death or body injury shall not be applicable in jurisdictions where such limitation is not legal.


A. By entering the Event, You (and, if you are entering on behalf of a Team or Organization each participating members) agree(s) to the following: (i) The relationship between You, and the Sponsor and Administrator, is not a confidential, fiduciary, or other special relationship.

(ii) You will be bound by and comply with these Official Rules and the decisions of the Sponsor, Administrator, and/or the Event Judges which are binding and final in all matters relating to the Event.

(iii) You release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against any and all claims, expenses, and liabilities (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), including but not limited to negligence and damages of any kind to persons and property, defamation, slander, libel, violation of right of publicity, infringement of trademark, copyright or other intellectual property rights, property damage, or death or personal injury arising out of or relating to Your entry, creation of Submission or entry of a Submission, participation in the Event,

acceptance or use or misuse of the prize (including any travel or activity related thereto) and/or the broadcast, transmission, performance, exploitation or use of the Submission as authorized or licensed by these Official Rules.

B. Without limiting the foregoing, the Released Parties shall have no liability in connection with:

(i) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by the Sponsor or Administrator’s electronic or printing error, or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Event;

(ii) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines, internet connectivity or electronic transmission errors, or network hardware or software or failure of the Event Website;

(iii) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Event;

(iv) technical or human error which may occur in the administration of the Event or the processing of Submissions; or

(v) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from Your participation in the Event or receipt or use or misuse of any prize. The Released Parties are not responsible for incomplete, late, misdirected, damaged, lost, illegible, or incomprehensible Submissions or for address or email address changes. Proof of sending or submitting will not be deemed to be proof of receipt by the Sponsor or Administrator. If for any reason Your Submission is determined to have not been received or been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, Your sole remedy is to request the opportunity to resubmit its Submission. Such request must be made promptly after the You knows or should have known there was a problem, and will be determined at the sole discretion of the Sponsor.


A. Sponsor and Administrator reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Event, or any part of it, in the event of a technical failure, fraud, or any other factor or event that was not anticipated or is not within their control.

B. Sponsor and Administrator reserve the right in their sole discretion to disqualify any individual or You it finds to be actually or presenting the appearance of tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Event or to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or in a manner that is inappropriate, unsportsmanlike, not in the best interests of this Event, or a violation of any applicable law or regulation.

C. Any attempt by any person to undermine the proper conduct of the Event may be a violation of criminal and civil law. Should Sponsor or Administrator suspect that such an attempt has been made or is threatened, they reserve the right to take appropriate action including but not limited to requiring a You to cooperate with an investigation and referral to criminal and civil law enforcement authorities

E. The terms and conditions of the Official Rules are subject to reasonable changes that are necessary or advisable at any time, including the rights or obligations of the You, the Sponsor and the Administrator. The Sponsor and Administrator will post the terms and conditions of the amended Official Rules on the Event Website. To the fullest extent permitted by law, any

amendment will become effective at the time specified in the posting of the amended Official Rules or, if no time is specified, the time of posting.

F. If at any time prior to the deadline, a You or prospective You believes that any Official Rule is or may be unclear or ambiguous, they must submit a written request for clarification.

G. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of these Official Rules shall not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision.

H. Excluding Submissions, all intellectual property related to this Event, including but not limited to Sponsor Materials, copyrighted material, trademarks, trade-names, logos, designs, promotional materials, web pages, source codes, drawings, illustrations, slogans and representations are owned or used under license by the Sponsor and/or Administrator. All rights are reserved. Unauthorized copying or use of any copyrighted material or intellectual property without the express written consent of its owners is strictly prohibited. Any use in a Submission

of Sponsor or Administrator intellectual property shall be solely to the extent provided for in these Official Rules.

I. By entering the Event, you waive all rights to seek injunctive or equitable relief, or to claim punitive, incidental or consequential damages, or attorneys’ fees.


A. Any disputes arising out of Your participation in the Event shall be governed by the laws of India and will be subject to jurisdiction of Courts at Bangalore, India. Any dispute, controversy, or claim relating to this event (a “Dispute”) will be resolved first through arbitration. Such arbitration shall be governed by the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996 or modification to it for the time being in force. The venue of arbitration shall be Bangalore, India and the cost of arbitrations will be shared by both the Parties in equal proportion unless otherwise decided by the arbitration panel. Either Party shall be entitled to apply to the competent courts at Bangalore, India for interim or interlocutory relief in respect of such arbitration. When any Dispute is under arbitration, except for the matters under Dispute the Parties shall continue to exercise their remaining respective rights and fulfil their remaining respective obligations under the Agreements during the pendency of the arbitration proceedings.

B. You specifically acknowledge that you accept the practices and policies outlined in these Official Rules and in the Privacy Policy for the Event Website and consent to having your data transferred to and processed in the United States and in other countries as needed for Sponsor’s and Administrator’s business purposes.

C. GE SHALL NOT ENTERTAIN or BE HELD responsible for any dispute arising regarding the Event

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